Stadelhoferstrasse 33 8001 Zürich Schweiz/Switzerland Tel: +41 44 202 56 68 office@dr-sun.ch
Fachliche Weiterbildungen
"Tips for Success - a Practical View on Day to Day Dentistry", Dr. R. Margeas, De Moines, USA
"Digital Management of the Supra-Implant Mucosa", PD Dr. T. Joda, Berne, Switzerland
"Digitaler Workflow in der Rekonstruktiven Zahnmedizin", Prof. Dr. W. Att, Freiburg i.B., Germany
"Benefits of Digital Workflows in Complex Rehabilitations", Prof. Dr. P. Gierthmühlen, Düsseldorf, Germany
"CAD-CAM Utilization in the Private Practice", Dr. J. Ferencz, New York, USA
"The Geometry of Beauty: Using CAD-CAM to Copy Natural Morphology", Dr. F. Cofar, Timisoara, Romania
"Contemporary Implant-Assisted Therapy", Dr. D. Morton, Indianapolis, USA
"The Christensen Bottom Line - 2016", Dr. G. Christensen, Utah, USA
"The use of Composites in Advanced Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitations", Prof. Dr. D. Dietschi, Geneva, Switzerland
"Implantology 2016 - What we really know", Dr. D. Garber, Atlanta, USA
"Restorative Dentistry link between Esthetics, Function and Posture: E.F.P. Approach", Dr. L. Vanini, Chiasso, Prof. C. D'Arcangelo, Chieti, I
"Implant Esthetics: New Approaches, Treatment Concepts and Material Selection", Dr. S. Leziy, Dr. B. Miller, Vancouver, Canada
"POS Update 2016: Multidisciplinary Dentistry", Dr. Mike Krennrich, Amsterdam, Holland
"Communication between the Dentist/Ceramist/Patient and the Team for the Minimal Invasive Dentistry", Dr.G. Gürel, Istanbul, Turkey
"Krebserkrankungen im Oropharyngeal-Bereich: Was ich in der Praxis wissen muss", Klinik für Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie, Zentrum für Zahnmedizin, Universität Zürich
"Future of Digital Dental Medicine: The Team Approach", 1st Annual Meeting of the International Academy for Digital Dental Medicine
"Dental Ceramics", Prof. Dr. M. Swain, Sydney, Australia
"Piezoelectric Bone Surgery - Advantages in Daily Practice in Implantology, Oral and Orthodontic Surgery", Prof. Dr. T. Vercelotti, Genoa, Italy
"The Dentist's Role in the Evaluation and Management of Sleep Apnea", Dr. J.R. Spencer, Boise, USA
"Management of Severe Periodontitis in Daily Practice", Prof. Dr. M. Tonetti, Genoa, Italy, Prof. Dr. M. Sanz, Madrid, Spain
"The Interdisciplinary Team", V. Kokich Jr., DMD MSD, J. Jnakievski, DDS MSD, Tacoma, USA
"Ceramic for Restorative and Implant Dentistry", Prof. Dr. R. Kelly, Farmington, USA
"Integration of Esthetic Dentistry and Prosthodontics", K.A. Malament, DDS MScD, Boston, USA
"Integrated Workflow in Implant Dentistry", Dr. P. Wöhrle, Newport Beach, USA
"Winds of Change in Prosthodontics", Prof. Dr. C. Goodacre, Loma Linda, USA
"Esthetic Orthodontics", D. Dana, Aliso Viejo, USA
"Israeli Afternoon of Dental Excellence", Prof. Dr. N. Bichacho, Dr. C.J. Landsberg, Tel Aviv, Israel
"Art&Experience. Adapting the Optical Characteristics", C. Sieber, Basel, Schweiz
"Functional Occlusion and Implants", Prof. Dr. I. Klineberg, Sydney, Australia, Dr. M. Trulsson, Stockholm, Sweden
"Diagnosis, Treatment Planning and Comprehensive Interdisciplinary Management of Debilitated Dentitions", W.M. Smalley, Seattle, USA
"Patient Specific Planning for Esthetic Implant Outcomes", K.M. Phillips, DMD MSD, Seattle, USA
"Brazilian Weekend on Dental Excellence", Prof. Dr. L. Baratieri, Florianopolis, Brazil, M. Calgaro, CDT, Curitiba, Brazil, Dr. E. Van Dooren, Antwerpen, Belgium
Dr. P. Kano, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Prof. Dr. S. Kina, Campinas, Brazil, Dr. N. Silva, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
"Implantat Total Workshop - Symposium", KKL Luzern
"Individual Growth Prediction - Treatment Techniques for Class III Patients", Dr. D. McGann, Aliso Viejo, USA
"Biomimetic Restorative Dentistry", Dr. P. Magne, Los Angeles, USA
"Hit Man vs. Healer: Implementing a Risk Assessment Strategy", J.C. Kois, DMD MSD, Seattle, USA
"Hot Topics in Ceramics, Esthetics, Restorative Dentistry", Dr. E. McLaren, Los Angeles, USA
"Penn Endo Philosophy", S. Kim, PhD MD, Philadelphia, USA
"Feineinstellung der IP-Apparatur und Fallplanungen", POS Wien, Österreich
"Bimaxilläre Protrusion", Advanced POS Wien, Österreich
"Intensive Hands-on Clinical Education for Skeletal Anchorage", POS Clinic, Manila, Philippines
"Vertikale und Transversale Dimension", Advanced POS Wien, Österreich
"Asymmetrien", Advanced POS Wien, Österreich
"Esthetic Dentistry", Dr. C. Coachman, Sao Paolo, Brazil
"Diagnose und Behandlung von Klasse III", Advanced POS Wien, Österreich
"Periodontics 2011 - Not just Gum Disease", Dr. K. Akimoto, Dr. R.Schuler, Seattle, USA